牛文章瞻仰 I Neuroimage

这是研究方法课的作业,要搜索Psychological bulletin上被引次数最多的10篇文章。小研究了PsycInfo一下,未果,后来发现Google Scholar可以完成这个任务。在完成作业的同时,顺便搜索了一下本领域的两个期刊Neuroimage和Human brain mapping的被引次数最多的文章。发现被引最多的文章竟然已有上千次,足见本领域近年来的发展与繁荣。top-10的文章主要以方法性的文章和元分析为主,大牛Friston竟然有5篇文章上榜,可见其影响力!(每篇文章最前面的黑体数字为被引用次数)

. Ashburner J, Friston K J, Voxel-Based Morphometry - The Methods. NeuroImage, 2000, 11(6), 805-821.

697. Worsley K J, Friston K J, Analysis of fMRI Time-Series Revisited—Again. NeuroImage, 1995, 2(3), 173-181.

670. Friston K J, Holmes A P, Poline J-B, Grasby P J, Williams S C R, Frackowiak R S J, Turner R, Analysis of fMRI Time-Series Revisited. NeuroImage, 1995, 2(1), 45-53.

535. Braver T S, Cohen J D, Nystrom L E, Jonides J, Smith E E, Noll D C, A, Parametric Study of Prefrontal Cortex Involvement in Human Working Memory. NeuroImage, 1997, 5(1), 49-62.

524. Poldrack R A, Wagner A D, Prull M W, Desmond J E, Glover G H, Gabrieli J D E, Functional Specialization for Semantic and Phonological Processing in the Left Inferior Prefrontal Cortex. NeuroImage, 1999, 10(1), 15-35.

492. Genovese C R, Lazar N A, Nichols T, Thresholding of Statistical Maps in Functional Neuroimaging Using the False Discovery Rate. Neuroimage, 2002, 15(4), 870-878.

478. Friston K J, Fletcher P, Josephs O, Holmes A P, Rugg M D, Turner R, Event-related fMRI: characterizing differential responses. NeuroImage, 1998, 7(1), 30-40.

442. Dale A M, Fischl B, Sereno M I, Cortical surface-based analysis. I. Segmentation and surface reconstruction. NeuroImage, 1999, 9(2), 179~194.

426. Price C J, Friston K J, Cognitive conjunction: a new approach to brain activation experiments. Neuroimage, 1997, 5(4), 261–270.

423. Phan K L,Wager T,Taylor S F,Liberzon I, Functional neuroanatomy of emotion:a meta-analysis of emotion activation studies in PET and fMRI. Neuroimage, 2002, 16(2), 331-348.




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